In the minute is the safest, and

friendliest, place to live.

A year and a half ago I told my cancer Group that I was living by the hour. I judged what I was doing and my activities by the hour. And if a half hour went by without me enjoying or at least interested in what I was doing I would quit. I couldn't waste any more time of what I have left of my life.

This week all that changed. I am much closer to the end of my life than I was then. And somehow, almost automatically, my rhythm has changed.

I am now living my life minute by minute. It's the best thing that has ever happened to me.

If I am in the middle of eating a doughnut and I realize I don't want anymore, that's it. That may seem like a silly example but it's accurate. I don't wait two more bites.

I need no time to think things over. What I think now, in the minute, is all there is to it.

Most of my life I was uncertain about many things. It took a long time to make up my mind about anything. Not now. I believe in myself (LW) and I make a decision right now in the minute. And I'm certain about it. If I see it differently later then I change my decision in the minute and I'm again certain about it. It doesn't take an hour to make a decision. It only takes a minute.

One minute, something. 

Another minute, something else.

One minute, make a decision.

Another minute, change it.


Living In The Minute

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